
Welcome to Fateha.org!


"Whosoever desires what hastes away, We hasten to give him (in this life) as much as We please to whosoever We will; but afterwards there is Hell for him in which he will burn, disgraced and ostracised.

Welcome To The Database Of Hussaini Bagh Graveyard No.2 Karachi

Death Anniversaries


  • Name: AHMED ROZ, Expiry Date: 1977-02-10
  • Name: NOOR MOHAMMED, Expiry Date: 1974-02-10
  • Name: GHULAM HUSSAIN, Expiry Date: 1979-02-10
  • Name: AKBER ALI, Expiry Date: 1980-02-10

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This site has been designed and dedicated in the loving memory of Ali Hussain Sharif, the Chairman of Pak Night Clinic (PNC), an avid social worker and philanthropist of our country.

We humbly request all visitors to recite Surah-e-Fateha for Ali Hussain Sharif and pray for divine grace and blessings on his soul.

This site has the database of Hussaini Bagh Graveyard No. 2 Karachi. The search is accessible through Cemetery Number, Name and Expiry Date. This data is provided by Khoja (Pirai) Shia Isna Asheri Jamaat, Karachi.

Our volunteers are trying their level best to gather as much accurate information and images of the graves as possible and will keep on updating the site periodically.

If you have any queries, concerns or suggestions please fill in our inquiry form and let us know. Your feedback is important and will help us serve you better.